Pinterest pinterest everything
Pinterest pinterest everything

Who are the users of Pinterest? Pinterest boasts a 76% female user demographics and 72% are between 30 and 64. Endless hours are spent creating boards that are usually organized by categories. These pins are either added to your own boards or other people’s boards.

pinterest pinterest everything

Pinterest is about inspiration, idea creation, education, and product research. The concept of Pinterest is a social media network where you can visually share and collect interest using pins. The growth was mostly seen by retail advertisers. Worth noting more though is despite the traffic decline, Pinterest revenue actually gained revenue with a 21% growth in 2021. Worth noting is they had a slight decline in 2021 in traffic, but Pinterest is back on the rise in 2022. How many active users do they have? As of the first quarter of 2022 Pinterest has 443 million active users making it an active place to advertise your business. Pinterest is the 14th largest social media platform, beating out Twitter, Reddit, and Quora making it a contender in the social media space.

Pinterest pinterest everything